Jun 28, 2018
One thing we don't have is an unlimited amount of time. Be ready! The blessing of time is before you.
You don't want to let a moment go by without the twinkle and sparkle of something new.
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Yet every moment you breathe is the blessing of time.
How have you planned your day? Does your schedule reflect your heart?
We tend to operate our days with infinite busyness believing that by staying in the rut or routine keeps us focused and more productive.
That's how we see our time... Fill it with how we see fit; stuffing it full including the nooks and crannies.
The blessing of time is not infinite (at least not here on earth). Got sees time differently. His time is opportune time! What fulfills His plans, not our own plans.
When you set your schedule for this week, how did you decide what you would do when?
And when did you say STOP?
We need to STOP and lay our schedule at the foot of the cross, and let God take care of the details.
How would your attitude for the day shift knowing God was planning your appointments? Who doesn't want God as their personal assistant?
The blessing of time --- opportune time.
Let go of the time you have created for yourself which ends up being you micromanaging your life.
Instead EMBRACE God's opportune time for you; His dreams, His goals, His plan for your life.
The blessing of time.
Today is your day! Join forces with the one who breathed life into you. God's desires for you are greater, than even you can imagine.
Your first appointment to add in your schedule.
TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation - This is a complimentary coaching call with me. You will be able to discuss your specific situation and gain tools and strategies to move you forward.
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Wanting help with goals, setting your schedule, or need someone to talk to (even if you don't know what you need)? It's time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Stop trying to do it by yourself. Put YOU first! Become your best selfie so you can live your life's purpose.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!
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Contact me at YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com
Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.
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2. Create Your Now ~ Your Best Selfie can be heard on iHeart Radio and Spotify!
3. Create Your Now Archive 1 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1
4. Create Your Now Archive 2 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive2
5. Create Your Now Archive 3 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3
6. Create Your Now Archive 3 is LIVE! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive4
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Music by Mandisa - Overcomer
Cover Art by Jenny Hamson